Children's Day Celebrations in the neighborhood Rodriguez Selvetti
News taken from the digital portal Over 250 children enjoyed a day of activities and entertainment district Selvetti Rodriguez, as part of the celebrations for Children's Week, in a meeting that was held Tuesday afternoon at the sports complex socio-Limache.
The celebration was organized by the city of Tandil, along with organizations such as the street Pajaritos, Dining Manda Na, the Luis Depau Senior Center, 32 School and other neighborhood institutions.
On a sunny but cold day, which had a massive presence of children and families in the area, were developed in the games space and recreational activities, performances were presented to the magician and clown Ariel Passepartout. There was also music, gifts for children and toy giveaways.
The meeting was part of the celebrations Children's Day, which throughout the week performed by the Municipality in different neighborhoods with building societies and social bodies.
The festivities continue on Wednesday from 14.30, in the San Juan - Arco Iris. On Thursday, the school continued in 10 of Tunit neighborhood of 14 to 17.
On Saturday, meanwhile, the activities will take place in the Community Center's Integrative Movediza, which also opened the new sports playĆ³n built by the Municipality and the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation. The big party
Children's Day will be held on Sunday 8 August from 14 in the Independent Club, with entertainment, children's characters, games and proposals both within and outside the gym, and the special presentation of the group La Banda Oblonda circus, among other attractions. This event is sponsored by the firm Naldo Lombardi.