is dedicated to:
- Xochilt Balcazar, Tabasco excellent painter ... thanks for amazed since childhood fantasy with realism in your paintings.
- To my grandparents, whom I knew only through stories my mother, I admire your strong character and recognize in it some hobbies of mine. My grandfather Rafael, memory accompanied by a pink box of Chiclets, the hut and hard skin. My grandmother Joaquina, the dearest, I believe to be the closest. The color of his hair and gray ash I have not seen him in any hair, so cute grandmother was your hair ... your bun and your comb. The points in the nose so I inherited from you, forgive me dear to wipe my kisses were leaving so strong on my cheek. A grandmother Carmen, distant ... bold, what do you think of life, whom you admire? I will always remember you with your bag snuff. that the mysteries of your life!
- A cokito to Barki ... Recently I was reminded of you, I think a child is not I had a beloved pet ...
- My uncles: Pancho, Porfirio, Audomaro ... my aunt Chonita, thanks for wanting so much to my mother she adores and remembers every day.
- A Marifer Leonor and I really wanted to recover. although we were never so close and friendly ... believed that if the disease came from the world around you (or maybe I) would recover the faith. learning was another guess.
- nephew of my friend Al Lau, Carlos ... Littlest really sorry you've gone through so much, you and your family that has been so good to me. I guess your mind clean and take care of them now always good. Help them to sorrow for your loss passed to them soon.
- My teacher Alexander. Thanks very much for both ... I had very few teachers as good as you.
- To my dearest Cortázar. You were amazing! We're still every time I read Rayuela or a story you and I thank you mentally for that and write those words.
happy day of the dead, once ... and some others ... I remember.