When there is more to say I become one with the smoke winding reason. All decided that stretches the time and I forget I forget, like you. In the field we wander indifferent space left ...
I do not smoke, and never will. And the smoke, when it comes right into my nose bothers me greatly ... really bothers me super sensitive nose. But in men it seems a habit sooo sexy, the nicotine-flavored kisses, the smell of them combined with the cigarette smell, the way they smoke, light the cigarette, in order ...
So here it is, my favorite male smoking moments (including my fave evil):

insomnia The third cigarette burning in the mouth of Horacio Oliveira sitting on the bed once or twice had passed her hand gently through the hair of the Maga asleep against him.
( Rayuela, which otherwise would be.)
( Rayuela, which otherwise would be.)