Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Something Funny To Right About

Performance Performance BLOOD + D3



D. 1

The Constitutional Court accepted the request of a group of 36 parliamentarians from the right, among which Maria Angelica Cristi, Marisol Turre's UDI and RN Amelia Herrera, who requested a ban distribution in the public system the morning after pill. The reason was based on the assumption, not proven yet, the drug was an abortifacient and therefore unconstitutional delivery, because according to our Charter Policy, State must ensure the right to life of people .

However, the paradox of this measure, because there a series of irrelevance in the same ... for example "when we became people? Ms. Cristi perhaps considered that the people tortured in detention centers of the dictatorship have lost their status as such, because they were denied by the public? Does the fertilized egg has a soul? Any priest attends Mass to make embryos from in vitro culture in institutions of assisted reproduction? The paradox is that drug may not be distributed in public health services, but it can be marketed in pharmacies for those women who can afford them. Could it be that the money granted concessions to God?. It is incomprehensible that a court de Justicia decida algo mientras mira por el rabillo del ojo el ademán culposo que la Iglesia Católica les obliga a sancionar.

Aunque aún más incoherente sea, que nueve individuos puedan intervenir normativamente sobre el cuerpo de cerca de 7 millones de mujeres en este país.


Las marchas públicas se han constituido en el referente directo de la acción política que grupos y sujetos realizan atendiendo a las problemáticas sociales quotas for a moment. The march is an explicit expression of a position against happen assuming collective participation in transit through the streets of the city.

Many have been calls to demonstrate against the failure of the Constitutional Court, perhaps the most publicly visible, the day April 22 circulated by the Alameda , to the Citizenship square.

Thousands of people gathered to declare their disagreement about what was happening, but there was another march, held on Wednesday, April 16 that traffic on the Paseo Ahumada to end at Plaza de Armas, and by rebuked especially compared to Cathedral, the intrusion of Church the decision of the judges, and their intention to continue to control women's bodies.

From the colonial experience to date, Church still clings to its dogmas normative and totalizing negligence involved the intimate space of people.

In this context of political turmoil and religious control, three involved performer this way, Karina Prudencio, Malena Valdeavellano and Natalia Camilo who enhance a strategy of resistance in the social body, through Action signs as blood, converted into signals of contempt of doctrinal point while in voices entwined other words.

Maria Elena Retamal

Performance made with two performer: Malena Valdeavellano and Karina Prudencio. To protest the Constitutional Court ruling that banned the free supply of the pill the day after the poorest people, but not banned its sale.
accompany the march in the Plaza de Armas, where we do the performance outside the door of the Cathedral of Santiago.
use our own blood.


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