Sunday, September 19, 2010


call my wife : Gala, Galuchka, Gradiva (because it has been my Gradiva) ; Oliva (for the oval of her face and skin color) ; Olivet Catalan diminutive olive (olive) and their delirious derivatives: Oliueta, Oriueta, Buribeta, Buriueteta, Suliueta, Solibubuleta, Oliburibuleta, Ciueta, Liueta. Lionette also call because he roars, when angry, as the lion of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; Squirrel Tapir, Little Negus (because it looks like a wild animal animated) ; Bee (Because it reveals and brings me all the essences that make honey from my mind in the busy hive of my brain) . I brought the rare book of magic that would nourish my magic, historical document that irrefutably proved my thesis when I was in process, the image paranoid that my subconscious wanted, a photograph of an unknown painting destined to reveal a new puzzle aesthetic advice that would save the romantic one of my images too subjective. I also call Gala Poilu-Hazelnut Noisette Hairy (because of the fine hair covering her face hazel) , and also "Hood of skin" (because it reads to me aloud during the long sessions of my painting, producing a bell-like hum of skin, by which I learn all that without it would not ever know ) ❞


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